Clyde Hill Elementary School

Bellevue School District
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Project Details

  • Client:

    Bellevue School District

  • General Contractor:

    Construction Services (Now, Comer General Contractors)

  • Project Size:

    94,841 s.f.

  • Location:

    Bellevue, WA

  • Sectors:

(Photos courtesy 


Project Details

  • Client:

    Bellevue School District

  • General Contractor:

    Construction Services (Now, Comer General Contractors)

  • Project Size:

    94,841 s.f.

  • Location:

    Bellevue, WA

This complex new school is in a busy suburban area on the same campus as Bellevue Fire Department #5 and Clyde Hill City Hall and Police Department. Phasing was carefully done to mitigate interruption to the municipal buildings, and the adjoining sports fields. Sports fields remained in use at the adjoining schools as well.
94,841 s.f., 2 stories: Services: Prime mechanical, Plumbing, Pipefitting, fixtures, HVAC, Geo-field, Controls, Mechanical Insulation, and Balance.

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